Monday, October 26, 2009

Cut and Fill

Today the Cut and Fill was almost finished.  Metricon started on Saturday and were looking to have this finished today although after we found out they took 22 trucks worth of cut away we could understand the time it took.  Above are some photos of the cut over three days...

We Have A Retaining Wall.......Well One Of Two

Last week we had one of the retaining walls constructed... It started at 1.2 and ended up being 1.5.... arghhhhhh.  We are happy we have some activity after 6 months... Cut and Fill happening this week...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Retaining Wall

Well today we had the rock delivered for our 33m long retaining wall on the fill side we are using natural granite bush rock for both walls.....

Still Waiting

Well its been awhile since our last post, although we have a good reason why we have not posted any updates.... We have completed the colour selection at M-Studio, also the electrical have been completed.

So we have been waiting for all this to come back and the plans from the council.

Guess what we finally received a start date after 6 months of drawn out processes, Will explain at the end of our build.

Start date 23/10/09..............